What have your experiences with money been like so far? Have you ever …

Felt nauseated with fear when looking at your bank account?

Decided which credit card you were going to pay for dinner with based on which one might have the best available balance?

Double checked your account in the grocery store or dressing room before heading to check out?

Declined invitations from friends because you felt like you couldn’t afford the activity?

Actually go to the event with friends but spend the whole time focused on how much you’re spending?

Gotten totally frustrated because no matter how hard you’ve tried to save, or how many hours you’ve worked, something crazy happens like you get two flat tires, your pet gets sick, or a huge bill shows up out of no where?

Yup, Me too. I’ve been there, and my goal is to get you out of there as quickly as possible.

My initial relationship with money wasn’t a good one.

I’m pretty sure I learned the phrase “can’t afford it” before I learned the full alphabet.

My understanding was that there was never enough for the fun stuff, that it took a lot of hard work, and I was selfish to ask for it.

I didn’t believe that money was reliable and I certainly couldn’t expect it to show up when I wanted it to.

And when it ran out I’d have to wait until Christmas or my birthday to receive more of it.

Then as I got older it got worse.

I hated my first job so I started hoarding money, having some delusion that the stockpile would somehow set me free. Even though I’d saved a third of my annual pre-tax salary in eight months it didn’t feel good enough, and I felt like I wasn’t meeting an unwritten expectation.

Then I started working for myself and developed a pattern of uncertainty around money - I did the work, but couldn’t count on the checks showing up on time.

Then started the investing and the debt.

Debt was the number one thing I was taught Never to have and I felt crushed under it. I felt like I’d done something “bad” and deserved to be punished, so subconsciously I let myself be punished over and over again. I’d let plenty of money in, then I’d quickly let it out. Then I’d get mad at myself for being so irresponsible. That psycho battle lasted for years.

Luckily I discovered the truth about money.

That money is reliable, that it does get to show up when you want and need it, and that you always get to have more than enough.

Money became a friend rather that something to battle against and with some mindset changes I went from a stressed mess to sitting in overflow.

This is what I want to teach you - how to create a better relationship with money. How to work with it instead of against it, and how to use practical and spiritual principles to allow for more of it to show up in your life.

If you’re ready to not stress over your purchases or your bank account, and to always have more than enough then you need this beginner’s guide ASAP!

Once you purchase, you’ll receive immediate access to my ten video series to help you change your relationship with money for good. We’ll work on everything from healing your history with money to creating overflow in your bank account!

For any questions or additional payment plan options email kaycee@kayceemullaney.com.

I can’t wait to see you on the inside!

xoxo Kaycee

P.S. If you make less than $50,000 a year and send proof to kaycee@kayceemullaney.com then your guide is seriously discounted! Just make sure to black out any socials on paystubs or W2s. Sending you so so much love! xoxo

P.P.S. Want to reach your money goals even faster? A few one on one coaching spots are available, and all my one on one clients receive free access to The Beginner’s Guide To Attracting Limitless Wealth while we are working together. Packages start at $222 a month. Connect with me here to see if my one on one coaching is a good fit! xoxo

“Since I have started money work with you Kaycee, I have manifested two unexpected checks in the mail and this rewards money”

“Wanted to share—Tim and I have been buying plants, trees and shrubs galore this year for our yard. We had planned to spend a certain amount; and when we went to the nursery on Wednesday, we couldn’t resist and spent about $200 more than we originally planned in spending. My first thought was, $200 is no big deal...we both love what we picked out and we deserve it! Came home and started paying bills—we have a cash rewards credit card and generally receive between $50-$70 dollars back per month. This month our rewards balance was $304!!! Way more than ever! Since I have started money work with you Kaycee, I have manifested two unexpected checks in the mail and this rewards money. It’s only the beginning... Love you!”


“Have to share. This morning I received a call from the COO of the company that I work for and she said that she is issuing me a 5k bonus for all of the assistance that I provide to other buildings. I am so grateful to you as you opened my eyes to seeing what is possible!”

- Sarah Labonte

“It works! Oh my gosh it works!

“It works! Oh my gosh it works! Today my to do list says breathe, relax, and let the money flow in - I have had not one, not two, but 3 phone calls about people wanting to contract me and use my services! I considered cutting them a deal, but instead decided to give them my regular rate. And each one said send me a contract. All I could think was am I going to have to turn work away because I don’t have time to do it all?! This is so incredibly awesome!”


“It just keeps happening. Each time I get over the shock of things flowing my way, something else happens and the process repeats! It’s only a matter of time before I’m flying on private, Sex in the City style to places like Bora Bora, Dubai, and Australia!”

- Hilary jaffe