Do you find balancing the whole budgeting but trying to hold space and manifest more money thing a bit challenging? One of my frustrations when I first learned about money manifesting was trying to live as if/hold space for more, but also stay connected enough to reality so I didn’t push us further in debt.

And no one was telling me how to do it.

After a bit of trial and error I finally discovered a good way to do this and I can’t wait to tell you all about it in my Budgeting & Manifesting training!

What We Chat About:

Why traditional budgets don’t help us manifest the money we want

We look at what isn’t working with your current budget & why

Help you create a plan that best fits you and the way you manifest

Manifestation practices to let your budget help you receive more money

And so much more!!

I can’t wait to see you on the inside!!

I love you so much! xoxo

 ***I want my trainings to be open to everyone no matter your income or what you’re capable of spending. If you need a lower payment amount email or connect with me here***